About This Spot
Stagecraft for the corporate world 1. Technical expertise on site from load in to load out. 2. Custom flypacks, with cameras, routers and screens control. 3. Constant contact from design stage till you're back home. 4. Veteran project managers with decades of experience on corporate shows. 5. Same technology as on the largest tours. 6. Budget development and management. 7. A/V management and production. Fuse Technical Group makes your next event transcendent 1. State of the art technology
 2. Technical expertise with decades of experience 3. Experience loading into venues under tight timeframes 4. Staff on site for run of show 5. All A/V needs from projection to LED Video 6. Live Video Production Intelligent lighting and virtual set tools that have revolutionized the industry 1. State of the art technology 2. 24/7 Client/show support 3. Custom Flypacks: Cameras, record/playback and switching Systems 4. Highly trained staff that works in partnership with you. 5. Premium equipment featuring Automated Lighting and High resolution LED panels 6. Full stable of industry veteran Project Managers with decades of experience for a seamless production from load-in to load-out