Get 10 Free Tickets with every 100 Tickets you Buy!

Special Offer from the Nashville CVC

Get 10 Free Tickets with every 100 Tickets you Buy!

Nashville Zoo

Our regular bulk ticket rates saves you up to 50% - but through July 31, we're treating you to FREE tickets with our biggest sales of the year! Get 10 free tickets with every 100 tickets you buy!

Tier 1: 20-99 tickets | $20 for adults, $16 for kids ages 2-12

Tier 2: 100-499 tickets | $18 for adults, $14 for kids ages 2-12

Tier 3: 500+ tickets | $16 for adults, $12 for kids ages 2-12

Book your group by emailing, 


Group tickets include all-day Zoo admission and parking. Tickets are valid ANY day during normal Zoo hours through December 31, 2024.

Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp - Convention Attendee Deal